11 Comme je veux 26/02/2011
Aujourd`hui je me repose dans les rues bruyantes d`Udaïpur, ainsi que dans ma chambre d`hôtel à lire le journal. Je me balance du Smashing Pumpkins plein les oreilles et me repais des malheurs du monde bien que je ne sois pas d`accord avec tout. Esprit de contradiction oblige ! Je me reconnecte aux tristes nouvelles que charrie la vie, ça me manquait ! J`
ai la vague impression que le malheur est moins lourd à porter que le bonheur, ça doit être notre combativité naturelle qui a peur de baisser la garde. Et ce qui fait les malheurs du monde sont moins les bombes, balles, agents défoliants, machette, etc ... que la très commune petite cupidité de l`ordinaire, l`indifférence à nos existences et à celle des autres, la médiocrité de nos buts et de nos rêves. Alors je prends mon journal pour regarder mon univers sous un nouvel angle, sous une lumière nouvelle, sous un jour nouveau, celui ou je deviens maître de mes choix et de mes interprétations du réel. Et c`est tant mieux car je ne voudrais pas râter la fin du match de criquet.
Today I get a rest in the noisy streets of Udaipur, as well as in my hotel room. I play loud some Smashing Pumpkins in the ears and I enjoy the misfortunes of the world even if I don`t agree with everything. Natural contradiction spirit ! I connect again with the sad news that carries life, I missed it so much !
It seems that unhappiness is easier to stand, lighter than happiness, it must be our natural fighting spirit that is afraid to lower its guard. But unhappiness and misfortunes around are less bombs, bullets, machete, and chimical weapons than daily and ordinary greed, simple indifference to ourself and to others, mediocrity of our goals and of our dreams. So I take the newspaper, put it upside down to watch the univers under a new angle, under a new light, under a new day, a day where I become the ruler of my choices, and of my interpretations of the real. And that`s better `cause I don`t want to miss the end of the criquet game !
Today I get a rest in the noisy streets of Udaipur, as well as in my hotel room. I play loud some Smashing Pumpkins in the ears and I enjoy the misfortunes of the world even if I don`t agree with everything. Natural contradiction spirit ! I connect again with the sad news that carries life, I missed it so much !
It seems that unhappiness is easier to stand, lighter than happiness, it must be our natural fighting spirit that is afraid to lower its guard. But unhappiness and misfortunes around are less bombs, bullets, machete, and chimical weapons than daily and ordinary greed, simple indifference to ourself and to others, mediocrity of our goals and of our dreams. So I take the newspaper, put it upside down to watch the univers under a new angle, under a new light, under a new day, a day where I become the ruler of my choices, and of my interpretations of the real. And that`s better `cause I don`t want to miss the end of the criquet game !
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