GOD is POP /// by Stéphane Guillerme

GOD is POP      ///       by Stéphane Guillerme

FILM /// Kaliya Mardan (B & W Movie de D.G Phalke 1919)

The playmates of Krishna are insulted by a female villager who splashes water on them. They take revenge by stealing butter from her house. When they are beaten up by the woman, they again take revenge with the aid of Krishna. He receives a gift of fruit for his help but gives it away. Krishna then enters the room of a wealthy merchant and his wife at night and ties the man's beard to his wife's hair. These exploits lead to a large crowd complaining of Krishna's antics to his foster parents.

Original title: Kaliya Mardan
Director: Dhundiraj Govind Phalke
Screenplay: Dhundiraj Govind Phalke
Starring: Neelkanth and Mandakini Phalke
Music: Zakir Hussain




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