GOD is POP /// by Stéphane Guillerme

GOD is POP      ///       by Stéphane Guillerme

CDthèque idéale // Ideal CD library

Si vous le désirez et via le lien Amazon.fr lorsque vous clickez sur chacune des pochettes de CD, vous avez la possibilité d'écouter un peu de chaque album et ses morceaux, et éventuellement en acheter en ligne si le coeur vous en dit.


You can listen via the AMAZON's link when clicking each CD cover. A piece of every tracks of every albums can be listened and eventually bought straight away. Enjoy the tour.






La première série ci-dessous vous fera découvrir, si ce n'est pas déjà fait, certains artistes et groupes évoluant dans l'univers du rock, de la pop, du rap et du hip hop, du bhangra et d'une certaine world music.


This first selection below will tell you (you might know them yet ?!) about some artists and groups playing either rock, pop, rap and hip hop, bhangra or somehow a world music.



 Ashwin Batish - Sitar power 1

Mumbai - Trans-style, rock, world beat

Ali Azmat - Klashinfolk

Lahore (Pakistan) - pop rock, ex-Junoon

Advaita - Grounded in space

Delhi - pop, rock fusion


Junkyard groove - 11 11

Chennai - Alternative rock

Avial - Avial

Kerala - Alternatif rock

 Asi - The waiting

Australian indian - pop, rock

 Baba Sehgal - Power song, Hits

Lucknow - Indian rap

 Beat Konducta Vol 3 & 4  In India

California - DJing - rap

Biddu Orchestra - Eastern star in a western sky

India / UK - Disco, electro 

 Black Star Liner - Bengali Bantam youth experience

British india - Asian reggae dub electro

 Botown - The soul of Bollywood

UK - multicultural Soul & funk band

 Kailash Kher - Kailasa

Delhi - Pop soufi

 Coke studio sessions - Season 2

Pakistani TV program

  Coke studio sessions - Season 3

Pakistani TV program

  Coke studio sessions - Season 4

Pakistani TV program

 Cornershop & the double 'O' groove of

British indian - Pop rock

 Cornershop - When I was born for the 7th time    British indian - Pop rock

 Kastadyne - Hover

Mumbai - Alternative rock

 Daler Mehndi - Raula Pai Gaya - The King Is Back  Sikh born in Bihar - Bhangra pop

Various artists - Bhangra masti

Bhangra - Bhangra pop

 Imran Khan - Unforgettable

Dutch Pakistani -  Hip hop influence bhangra


 Inderjeet Cheena - The playa

British indian ? - Electro bhangra

 Ishq Bector - Dakku daddy

Canadian-indian - Indian hip hop

Hard Kaur - PLAY party loud all year

Sikh born in Uttar Pradesh - rap, Hip hop


 Karmacy - The movement

Gujarati - American - Hip hop

 Lucky Ali - Sifar

Mumbai - Pop

 Lucky Ali - Aks

Mumbai - Pop

 Menwhopause - Easy

Delhi - Alternative & acoustic rock

Niraj Chag - Along the dusty road

British indian - Indian pop

 Niraj Chag - The lost souls

British indian - Indian pop


 Noori - Peeli patti aur raja ki gol dunya

Lahore (Pakistan) - Rock

 T.L Mazumdar - Four walls V.2

Germano indian - Jazz pop electro

 Pascal of Bollywood

France - standard de Bollywood


 Pentagram - It's OK, it's all good

Mumbai - Alternative rock 

 Sahotas - Brotherhood

British indians - Bhangra - rock - reggae

Sahotas - Revolution

British indians - Bhangra - rock - reggae

Sanjay Mishra - Blue incantation

American indian - Jazz fusion

 Sheila Chandra - Moonsung

British indian - Vocals

 Sky rabbit - Sky rabbit

Mumbai - Alternative rock

State of Bengal vs Paban Das Baul - Tana Tani

Mix indian & British indians - Electro world

Sukshinder Shinda - Rock da party

British indian - Bhangra 

Susheela Raman - Love trap

British indian - World folk

 Susheela Raman - Music for crocodiles

British indian - World folk

 Susheela Raman - Salt rain

British indian - World folk

 Susheela Raman - Vel

British indian - World folk

The Ananda Shankar Experience & State of Bengal - Walking on

India & British indians - Jungle

The bollywood brass band - Rahmania the music of AR Rahman

Indians in England - Bollywood & trad. music

Thermal and a quarter - 3 wheels 9 lives

Bangalore - Rock

 Tigerstyle - Virsa

British indian - Bhangra

 Titi Robin - Rakhi

France & Inde - World


Trilok Gurtu - Izzat

Mumbai - Jazz fusion, world music

Trilok Gurtu - Kathak

Mumbai - Jazz fusion, world music

Trilok Gurtu - The collection

Mumbai - Jazz fusion, world music 

 Trilok Gurtu - The glimpse

Mumbai - Jazz fusion, world music

 Various artists - Soop dogg feat The Panjabi Stars from Bollywood

Various artists - Sufi rocks

 Various artists - Nspire



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Le  second tableau ci-dessous vous offre à connaitre certains artistes et groupes évoluant dans l'univers de l'electro (et contrairement au rock où l'Inde a quelques wagons de retard, là en electro beaucoup sont tout simplement excellent à l'image de leur chef de file : Midival Punditz). J'ai aussi inclue quelques CDs de lounge, genre amplement inspiré des univers indiens.


This second selection down below shows you some artists and groups playing in the field of electro music as well as lounge music. If in the field of rock, India is still to my point of you pretty way far behind the western world, in the field of electro they might be just at the same level if nor ahead, just check that brilliant band Midival Punditz to hear what I mean.


 Adham Shaikh - Fusion

British Canadian indian - Electro world music

 Adham Shaikh - Resonance

British Canadian indian - Electro world music

 Atman - India club & lounge

 Al Gromer Khan - Kamasutra experience

Germany - World, New age

 Al Gromer Khan - Sitar secrets

Germany - World, New age

 Badmarsh & Shri - Signs

British indians - World electro

 Asian dub foundation - Facts & fictions

British indians - World electro jungle

 Asian dub foundation - Tank

British indians - World electro jungle

 Bally Sagoo - Bollywood flashback II

British indian - Bhangra, Bollywood fusion

 Beyond Bollywood

 Bikram Ghosh - Electro classical

Calcutta - Folktronic, electro

 DJ MNX - Global sutra

India - DJ, World electro

 Desert dwellers - Downtemple dub, lost mixes

New Mexico : Psy Dub - Sacred Bass Music

 Desert dwellers - Downtemple dub, remixes

New Mexico : Psy Dub - Sacred Bass Music

 Don Shiva - Bollywood lounge

 Deva Premal - Mantras for precarious times

Germany - Devotionnal & meditative musics

 Deva Premal - Sings the moola mantra

Germany - Devotionnal & meditative musics

 Nirvana Meditation orchestra - Bombay dream lounge

 DJ Cheb i Sabbah - Krishna Lila

Algerian american - Global Electronica

 DJ Cheb i Sabbah - Shri Durga

Algerian american - Global Electronica

 Dum Dum project - Desi vibes

American indians - Electro world hip hop

 Dum Dum project - Export quality

American indians - Electro world hip hop

 Gaudi + nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Dub qawwali

Italy & Pakistan - Dub, worldbeat, electro

 Gaudi + nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Dub qawwali remixes

Italy & Pakistan - Dub, worldbeat, electro

 James Asher - Feet in the soil

British - World music, trance music

 James Asher - Tigers of the raj

British - World music, trance music

 Karsh Kale & Anoushka Shankar - Breathing under water

American indian & indian - Electro fusion

 Karsh Kale - Broken english

American indian - Electro fusion

 Karsh Kale - Coke Studio India

American indian - Electro fusion

 Karsh Kale - Liberation

American indian - Electro fusion

 Masaladosa - Chill aum

France - Electro asian groove

 Masaladosa - Electro world curry

France - Electro asian groove

 Midival Punditz - BOF "LET'S ENJOY"

Delhi - Electro indian fusion

https://static.blog4ever.com/2012/11/718617/artfichier_718617_1475747_20121122390269.jpg https://static.blog4ever.com/2012/11/718617/artfichier_718617_1475745_20121122384711.jpg

 Midival Punditz - Midival Punditz

Delhi - Electro indian fusion

 Midival Punditz - Midival times

Delhi - Electro indian fusion

 Midival Punditz - Hello Hello

Delhi - Electro indian fusion

Mukta - Indian Sitar & World Jazz

France - Indian jazz 

 Mukta - Jade

France - Indian jazz

 Prem Joshua - Dakini lounge remix

Germany - World fusion music

 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Michael Brook - Night songs (remix)

Pakistan & Canada -  World

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Michael Brook - Star rise

Pakistan & Canada -  World

RH aka Rajesh Hardwani- Blackasia Vol.1

Singapour - DJ, world mix

 Olli & the Bollywood orchestra - Kitch'en

France & Inde - Mixs Bollywood remixed

 Olli & the Bollywood orchestra - Tantra

France & Inde - Mixs Bollywood remixed

 Shari Wagner - Shhh ... Be still

 Panjabi MC - Indian timing

British indian - rap, electro bhangra

 Panjabi Mc - The Raj (instrumental)

British indian - rap, electro bhangra

 Smoke signals - Smoke signals

India - Indian touch pop rock

 T.J Rehmi - Invisible rain

British indian - World electro

 Tabla beat science - Live in San Francisco at Stern Grove

Mix West & East - Electro world

 Tabla beat science - Tala matrix

Mix West & East - Electro world

 Talvin Singh - Ha

British indian - Electro world

 Talvin Singh & Rakesh Chaurasia - Vira

British indian & india - Electro Classical

 Tatva kundalini - Tandav

India - World electro

Thierry David - Moksha

France - World electro

 Vargini - The awakening

UK + India - Electro and classical world

 Various artists - Mumbai by night, New sounds of India
 Various artists - Bollywood & bhangra flavours Vol 1 Various artists - Bollywood & bhangra flavours Vol 2   Various artists - Yoga chill



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Le troisième tableau aborde certains artistes et groupes évoluant dans l'univers de la musique classique, vaste champ d'investigation, puits sans fond. Je commence néanmoins cette sélection par une sélection de CDs de Qawwali, musiques traditionnelles du monde musulman dont le plus prestigieux représentant est Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.


This third selection shows you some artists and groups playing classical music, such a wide field of investigation. Enjoy the tour. Nevertheless I start this selection by Qawwali, traditional music of the musulim world, the most prestigious musicians of this style being Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan.


 Abida Parveen - Baba bulleh Shah  Abida Parveen - Live in concert, Svar Utsav  Abida Parveen - Tere ishq nachaya
 Abida Parveen & Lofti Bouchnak - Jahan e khusrau  Abida Parveen & Noor Jehan - 30 greatest hits  Badar Ali Khan - Lost in Qawwali III
 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - 50 greatest hits  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Body and soul  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Devotional songs
 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Live in Paris Vol 1  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Love songs  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Mustt mustt (real world gold)
 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Shahbaaz  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - The final studio recordings  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - The last prophet
 Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Michael Brook - Night song Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Dust to gold   Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Sabri brothers - 30 greatest hits
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan & Rahat Fateh Ali Khan - 30 greatest hits  Various artists - Call of the sufi  Ustad Shujaat Husain Khan - Unforgettable sufis
 Rahat Fateh Ali Khan - Album 9  Rahat Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan  Rahat Fateh Ali Khan & Kailash Kher - 30 greatest hits
 Sabri brothers - 40 Greatest hits  Sabri brothers - Greatest Qawwali's of Sabri brothers  Sabri brothers - Ya habib
 Ali Akbar Khan & Asha Bhosle - Legacy  Ali Akbar Khan - Signature series Vol.1  Ali Akbar Khan - Signature series Vol.2
 Ali Akbar Khan & Vilayat Khan - Psychedelic music of India  Brij Bushan Kabra, Shiv Kumar Sharma & Hari Prasad Chaurasia - Call of the valley  Debashish Bhattacharya - Live in Calcutta
 Baluji Shrivastav - Classical Indian sitar and Surbahar ragas  Baluji Shrivastav - Goddess, indian music in celebration of goddesses around the world  Baluji Shrivastav - Shadow of the lotus, classical indian ragas
 Craig Pruess - Sacred chants of Buddha  Craig Pruess - Sacred chants of Shiva  Craig Pruess - Welcome home
 Hari Prasad Chaurasia - Maestro's choice  Hari Prasad Chaurasia - Music of the rivers  HariPrasad Chaurasia - The elements, wind
 Hari Prasad Chaurasia & Shiv Kumar Sharma - Music of the valleys  Shiv Kumar Sharma - Live concert Swarutsav 2000  ShivKumar Sharma - Maestro's choice série 2
 Erik Truffaz - Benares (avec Indrani & Apurba Mukherjee, Malcolm Braff)  L.Subramaniam - Global fusion  Menuhin meets Shankar
 Krishna Das - All one  Krishna Das - Door of faith  Krishna Das - Heart as wide as the world
 Jagdit & Chitra Singh - Live in Pakistan 1979  Lata Mangeshkar - Bhajan Uphar  Local tradition artists, Gérard Kremer - Musiques du Rajasthan
 M Shree Rama Prasad & Ravi Kumar - Manoharam  Paban Das Baul - Music of the honey gatherers  Sanjay Subramanian - Lilting melodies
 Gopal Krishan, Latif Ahmed Khan - The art of the Vichitra Veena, Inde du Nord  Pandit Vishwamohan Bhatt - The maestro of Mohan veena  Sharan Rani - The legendary queen of sarod
 Ravi Shankar - Full circle, Carnegie hall 2000  Ravi Shankar - Maestro's choice  Ravi Shankar - The master
 Ravi Shankar - The very best  Ravi Shankar & Ali Akbar Khan - The greatest hits of  Various - Nabodurga
 U.Srinivas - Dream  U.Srinivas - Rama Sreerama  U.Srinivas & Sultan Khan - Sahavaadhan
 Ustad Amjad Ali Khan - Aatma  Ustad Amjad Ali Khan - Selection  Ustad Amjad Ali Khan - Touch of class
 Ustad Amjad Ali Khan & Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia - Thaat instrumental  Ustad Vilayat Khan & Pandit Kishan Maharaj - When time stood still ...  Ustad Wajahat Khan - Nocturne
 Vishwa Mohan Bhatt, Shiv Kumar Sharma & Hari Prasad Chaurasia - Ode to Ganga  Zakir Hussain - Space  Zakir Hussain - Vanaprastham, la dernière danse
 Zakir Hussain & the rhythm experience  Zakir Hussain & Ustad Allah Rakha - Maestro's choice  Zakir Hussain & Ustad Allah Rakha - Shared moments



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Musiques de films, Bollywood et autres Xollywood


Ce quatrième et dernier tableau vous offre à connaitre un peu plus l'univers divers et varié des productions musicales destinées au cinéma, principalement Bollywood mais pas que, et au travers du temps puisque certains albums ici cités datent des années 50 et jusqu'à aujourd'hui.


This fourth and last selection shows you a bit more of these worlds of musics made, played and sung for the cinema production, mainly Bollywood but not only, and also through the Time because some of these albums are from the 50's until nowadays.


https://static.blog4ever.com/2012/11/718617/artfichier_718617_1477893_201211220602233.jpg https://static.blog4ever.com/2012/11/718617/artfichier_718617_1477901_201211220733998.jpg
 Various artists - Do ankhen baarah haath  1958 Bombay  Various artists - Kath putli  1957 Bombay  Various artists - Kagaz ke phool  1959 Bombay
Kishore Kumar - Jhumroo  1961 Bombay   Various artists - Sasural  1961 Bombay  Various artists - Sahib Bibi aur Ghulam  1962 Bombay
 Sangam 1964 & Mera naam joker 1972 Bombay  Various artists - Sholay  1975 Bollywood  Various artists - Amar Akbar Anthony  1977  Bollywood
 R.Dev Burman - Takkar  1980  Bollywood  Vijaya Anand - Dance Raja Dance  1987 Kannada  Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Bandit Queen  1994
 Jatin Lalit - Kuch kuch hota hai  1998 Bollywood AR Rahman - Dil se  1998 Bollywood Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan - Kachche dhaage  1999 
 AR Rahman - Pukar  2000 Bollywood  Anu Malik - Asoka  2001 Bollywood  AR Rahman - Lagaan  2001 Bollywood
 AR Rahman - Zubeidaa  2001 Bollywood  Mychael Danna - Monsoon wedding  2001  Various artists - Devdas  2002 Bollywood
 AR Rahman - Rang de Basanti  2006 Bollywood  Shankar Ehsaan Loy - Don The chase begins again  2006 Bollywood  AR Rahman - Godfather  2006 Tamil
 Shankar Ehsaan Loy - Johnny Gaddaar  2007 Bollywood  Shankar Ehsaan Loy - Salaam e ishq  2007 Bollywood  AR Rahman - Slumdog millionaire  2008
 Sagar Desai - Quick gun Murugun  2009  Vishal Bhardwaj - Kaminey  2009 Bollywood  Shantanu moitra - 3 idiots  2009 Bollywood
 Shankar Ehsaan Loy - Wake up Sid  2009 Bollywood  Shankar Ehsaan Loy - Karthik calling karthik  2010 Bollywood  AR Rahman - Raavanan  2010 Tamil
 Sohail Sen - Mere brother ki dulhan  2011 Bollywood  Vishal Bhardwaj - 7 khoon maaf  2011 Bollywood  Various artists - Delhi belly  2011 Bollywood
 Best of AR Rahman - Yo ... dil se  Various artists - The best of Bollywood  Various artists - Intro guide Bollywood
 Various - The essential Bollywood hits  Various artists - Beginner's guide to Bollywood  Various artists - Hindi film hits
 Various artists - Jonny Trunk and Joel Martin present Bollywood Funk experience  Various artists - Bollywood bizarro  Various artists - Bollywood duets of the 50's
 Asha Bhosle - Rough guide to Bollywood legend  Asha Bhosle - The golden voices of Bollywood  Kronos quartet and Asha Bhosle - You've stolen my heart
 The masterworks of Satyajit Ray  Hemant Kumar - The legend of india Mohamed Rafi - The last songs 



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