GOD is POP /// by Stéphane Guillerme

GOD is POP      ///       by Stéphane Guillerme

10 / Jama Masjid & around

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Jama masjid - Gate 2 - Old Delhi




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Jama masjid - Gate 2 - Old Delhi





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Vue depuis la gate 1 de la Jama masjid  //  View from the Jama masjid - gate 1



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Jama masjid - Gate 1 - Old Delhi




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Les rues très très encombrées de Chandni chowk - Vieux Delhi  //  Chandni chowk busy streets - Old Delhi




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Les rues très très encombrées de Chawri bazar - Vieux Delhi  ///  Chawri bazar busy streets - Old Delhi




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Le vieux couturier SDF de Chawri bazar // The "shopless" tailor in Chawri bazar




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La plupart des vieux cinémas projetant du film série B sont dans cette zone de Delhi.

Most of the talkies still displaying B serie movies are located in Old Delhi.


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