GOD is POP /// by Stéphane Guillerme

GOD is POP      ///       by Stéphane Guillerme

11 / With love from Pushkar

Une paire de belles journées avec de bons amis. Harshwandan Singh, le prince propriétaire du magnifique hôtel Bhairon Vilas dans la ville de Bikaner, son cousin Udit, le peintre de miniature & tatoueur Vishnu Swami. Rien que de joyeux gentlemen. Puis il y a Sala la New-Yorkaise, Joanna de Barcelone et ma vieille amie Monica Fernandez Arco d'Espagne. Seule Monica n'apparait pas sur ces photos. Elle demandait trop d'argent :)

Oui, de bons moment au bord du lac de Pushkar.


A couple of beautiful days with my beautiful friends, Harshwardhan Singh, princely owner of the Bhairon Vilas hotel in Bikaner, his cousin Udit, Vishnu Swami, miniaturist painter and tattoo artist. Only joyful gentlemen. Then Sala from New-York, Joanna and my old dearest friend Monica Fernandez Arco, from Spain were there too. Only Monica is not on the pictures as she was asking too much money to be shot :)
Yes, wonderful moments with beautiful people by the Pushkar lake.



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Harshwandan Singh





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Sala Suber from New-York




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Vishnu Swami from Bikaner




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Joanna, artiste de Barcelone




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Udyt aka Kaka

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