GOD is POP /// by Stéphane Guillerme

GOD is POP      ///       by Stéphane Guillerme

31 / Mumbai

4 jours à Mumbai, si peu pour y voir ceux que je désirai rencontrer. Mais 4 jours c'est mieux que rien, même mieux que 3 jours et demi.
Voici quelques photos des quelques rencontres d'excellence auxquelles j'ai eu le droit, à commencer par le docteur Kohiyar qui a eu la gentillesse d'écrire la préface de mon livre "L'Inde sous la peau". Puis Archana Nakhua Bhanushali et Nikhil Bhanushali et leur équipe de Ace Tattooz, Eric Jason D'souza, et son équipe d'Iron Buzz Tattoos (dont Subhojit Chakroborty), Vikas Malani et son frère Mickey Malani aujourd'hui à Londres, de passage à Mumbai lorsque j'y étais. Puis Yogesh C. Waghmare de Leo Tattoos, un autre excellent tatoueur indien ayant un esprit artistique plutôt radical. Il en faut, il en manque. Je comptais en voir et/ou en revoir d'autres. Mais cette brochette d'artistes est déjà une belle récompense pour le déplacement. Et récompense des récompenses, j'ai pu rencontrer brièvement un tatoueur de rue sur Colaba Causeway, une avenue très commerçante d'un des quartiers historiques au coeur de Bombay. Par ici la visite ....

4 days in Mumbai, so short to meet the ones I wanted to visit. But 4 days is still better than nothing, even better than 3 and half days. Here are a few pictures of the excellent people I still could meet. Firstly, the father of indian tattooing, the doctor Kohiyar who wrote the foreword of my book "India under the skin". Then Archana Nakhua Bhanushali and Nikhil Bhanushali and their team at Ace Tattooz, Eric Jason D'Souza and his team at Iron Buzz Tattoos (among whose Subhojit Chakraborty), Vikas Malani and his brother Mickey who is today settled in London. Then Yogesh C. Waghmare from Leo Tattoos, another excellent tattoo artist with a pretty artistic radical mind. The world of tattooing needs that. I was expecting to meet or see again some more, but this bunch of awesome guys has been yet a pretty cool reward for the effort I consent while being in Mumbai. And the reward of all rewards has been the meeting at night on Colaba Causeway, one of the most famous commercial street of the historical and chic Bombay. Please come and visit ....


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Mumbai Taxi driver



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Les frères Malani apportent au docteur Kohiyar un présent de la part de la famille Leu.

The brothers Malani bringing a gift from the Leu family to the doctor Kohiyar.

– avec Vikas Malani At Bodycanvas et Mickey Malani.


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Mickey Malani à gauche, le docteur Kohiyar au centre et Vikas Malani à droite. Ils portent le livre de la famille Leu.

Mickey Malani on the left, doctor Kohiyar in the center and Vikas Malani on the right, holding the book from the Leu family.








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Fort - Mumbai - Symbole parsi - Shedu or also named Lamassu


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Mumbai CST - Train station


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Colaba - Mumbai - Arrière du (Back of) Taj Mahal Hotel






ACE Tattooz studio - Colaba



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Archana Nakhua Bhanushali at work – avec Archana Nakhua Bhanushali.


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Tattoos by Archana Nakhua Bhanushali






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Mister Nikhil Bhanushali, head manager at Ace Tattooz





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Paresh Salvi d'Ace Tattooet ses aquarelles ///  Paresh Salvi and his water colours paintings





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Ace Tattooz - Colaba - Mumbai – avec Archana Nakhua Bhanushali et Nikhil Bhanushali et Abhi Chavan





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Kshitij Gurav at Ace tattoos


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Ace Tattooz on Colaba Causeway










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Mumbai Night City Train


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Iron Buzz Tattoos - Bandra



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Eric Jason D'souza - Iron Buzz Tattoos - Bandra - Mumbai


Tattoos by Eric Jason D'Souza on Aishin Diana Chang


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Subhojit Chakroborty & the Iron Buzz team





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Aadesh Art tatooing a french girl


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Utsav Podder


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Quartier de Bandra d'inspiration goannaise  ///  Goanese inspiration in Bandra





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Peinture murale - Bandra - Wall painting






Body Canvas - Bandra



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The Malani brothers and Eric Jason D'souza at Body Canvas studio - Bandra - Mumbai

avec Mickey Malani, Vikas Malani At Bodycanvas et Eric Jason D'souza.



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Vikas Tattooing


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LEO Tattoos - Mumbai


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Yogesh C. Waghmare & Moses Valerius at Leo Tattoos - Dadar - Mumbai

– avec Moses Valerius et Yogesh C. Waghmare.




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Leo Tattoos - Parsi colony - Dadar - Mumbai



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Yogesh C. Waghmare at work at Leo Tattoos - Parsi Colony - Dadar - Mumbai





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Moses Valerius at Leo Tattoos







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Mukesh, street tattooist on Colaba causeway - Colaba - Mumbai
Mukesh, tatoueur de rue sur Colaba causeway - Mumbai


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